About me

My last position was in the domain of Self-Sovereign Identities (SSI), working for Space Elephant, building an SSI platform based on the Unikname Network blockchain to offer SSI-as-a-service.

I hold a Computer Science PhD from Telecom Sud Paris, where I worked under the direction of Maryline Laurent. Part of my work was carried out in the Innovation Labs of Thalès DIS. Outside of decentralized digital identities and their applications, my research topics have included Access Control, the Internet of Things and potential blockchain applications in this field. I am interested in pretty much all topics that relate to cybersecurity with a particular interest for usability. I have been trained in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Cryptography.

I am currently looking for my next project.

I defended my thesis on November, 12th 2019. You can take a look at both the slides and the manuscript.


My first professional project (Gemalto) revolved around building a centralized authorization server for the IoT. I then got to integrate this work into a bigger security platform (IRT System X) and expand on it during my PhD thesis (Gemalto/Thales DIS). This first experience got me interested in the potential of the blockchain to distribute the function of the authorization server, yielding a more resilient system.

After my PhD, I worked on Unikname (Space Elephant), a practical blockchain-based authentication solution, and its ecosystem, trying to bring digital identities to life. This gave me the opportunity to explore the world of digital identities in general and Self-Sovereign Identities (SSI) in particular.

A more detailed look at my work history can be found below

  • September 2020 - December 2021 - Research scientist at Space Elephant
    Conception work around SSI use cases. Technical and general audience writing.
  • April 2019 - November 2019 - PhD student at Thalès DIS
    Conception and development of blockchain-based access control systems for the IoT.
  • July 2016 - March 2019 - PhD student at Gemalto
    Conception and development of (blockchain-based) access control systems for the IoT.
  • Jan. 2016 - June 2016 - Research engineer at IRT SystemX
    Integration of IoT access control solutions to an IoT security platform.
  • April 2015 - Sept. 2015 - R&D Intern at Gemalto
    Conception and development of an authorization server for IoT devices compatible with legacy systems.


Scientific publications

White paper

Blog posts

General audience articles on various topics around blockchains, Self Sovereign Identities and their applications.


Online presentations

Slides vulgarizing technical concepts around blockchains and digital identities.



I spent most of my university years in the Paris area (France). I studied Mathematics, Computer Science, and eventually Cryptography at Université Paris 7 Paris Diderot. I had the chance of spending my first year of Masters at Cornell University, NY, USA, as an exchange student.

I defended my thesis (Blockchain and access control: towards a more secure Internet of Things) in November 2019. During my PhD, I was able to dip a feet in both academia and the industry as my work was co-directed by Gemalto (now Thalès DIS) and Université Paris-Saclay.

For the timeline

  • PhD in computer science (Télécom SudParis, Université Paris-Saclay 2019),
  • Master in Mathematics, Computer Science, and applications to Cryptography (Université Paris 7 Paris Diderot 2015),
  • Bachelor in Mathematics and Computer Science (Université Paris 7 Paris Diderot 2013).
  • End of High School Diploma (Lycée Condorcet, Paris IX 2009).



Bridge is a trick-taking card game with a deliciously intricate bidding system and an even more complicated play style. I got the bridge virus in 2013 during my exchange in the US. After taking classes for three years at my local club, I am now raffining my skills in private games.

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D)

D&D is a tabletop role playing game where one player, the Dungeon Master (DM), creates an adventure and a world for the other players to explore. As a DM myself, I love building cities, pantheons, cultures, and characters for my friends to discover. Portraying so many different characters is also an exercise in empathy and gives a better understanding of why people act the way they do.

(Cooperative) Board games

Our childhood Monopoly did not do justice to how great board games can be. I am an avid player with a collection of almost a hundred games. My favorite games include Ghost Stories, Code Names, Andor, The Big Book of Madness, or Sentinel of the Multiverse.


Big fan of various arts and craft activities, my latest love happens to be sewing. I am now moving from pillow cases to garments, with all the mistakes it entails.


You can drop me an e-mail at sophie.dramemaigne@gmail.com.